You are invited to evaluate our DRIVE Project presentations at our DRIVE Community Night on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
DRIVE Community Night is a wonderful time for former teachers, community members, and area business leaders to see our seniors’ hard work over the course of the year.
The DRIVE Project is designed to help students invest in becoming more educated, active, and productive members of their community while developing the essential skills required to be competitive in the current job market, focusing on components of our Profile of a Ray-Pec Graduate.
The DRIVE project has 4 major components:
Project: Working with their client and any additional subject matter experts, student groups will use design thinking to frame the problem, define the major issue, develop a prototype of a solution, test that solution, and repeat the process if necessary.
Portfolio: Students will gather all relevant materials from their project and related classroom work in an individual digital portfolio.​
Pitch: Student groups will present their solutions to their clients and other stakeholders in a short presentation (or other appropriate format determined by the client). Clients will provide feedback to the students and classroom teacher.​
Presentation: Individual students will present about their DRIVE Project experience to members of the community and reflect on their growth over the course of the project, focusing on the components of a Profile of a Ray-Pec Graduate.
4:30-5:30 p.m. View student projects in 900 Hallway (optional)
5:00-6:00 p.m. FREE dinner in the library media center (optional)
5:30-6:00 p.m. Evaluator's informational meeting in the library media center (optional)
6:00- 8:00 p.m. Student presentations in assigned rooms
As an evaluator, you will be assigned with 1 or 2 other evaluators to a room in which 6 or 7 students will present their 8-10 minute presentations. You will have a few minutes to ask students about their projects. These students will have practiced their presentations in class and received feedback from their English 4 teachers, so you should see a revised, polished version on DRIVE Community Night.
Your task is to give the student specific feedback on their project and presentation. Classroom teachers will use your feedback to help determine students' final grades in combination with several other factors.
Email Gwen Huke at gwen.huke@raypec.org with any questions about in-person presentations.
Sign up to be a senior DRIVE project community evaluator here!
You may also fill out this form if you are unavailable this year but would like to be contacted next year with information.
Feel free to review this feedback form that you will use to give the students feedback on their presentations.